
Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

Position of Adjective (Posisi Adjective dalam kalimat)

Posisi Adjective dalam suatu kalimat adalah :
1. Sebelum noun (Attributive Adjective)
 Contoh attributive adjective :
  • beautiful girl
  • handsome boy
  • this book
  • that bag
  • which girl
  • my phone 
2. Setelah kata kerja tertentu (Postpositive Adjective)
 Contoh postpositive adjective :
  • she looks sad
  • I feels happy
  • My father becomes rich
  • it sounds good
3. Adjective berakhiran -ed umumnya diletakkan setelah link verb
 Contohnya :
  • the king seemed to be annoyed
  • he felt bored

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