
Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

Pengertian, Penggunaan dan Contoh Kalimat Gerund

A. Pengertian Gerund

Gerund adalah kata kerja yang berakhiran -ing yang berfungsi sebagai noun. Karena fungsinya sama dengan benda, gerund dapat menjadi subjek atau objek. Cara membentuknya kita tambahkan -ing di belakang kata kerja (verb + ing), bentuk dan ketentuan pemberian -ing sama dengan verb continuous atau present participle.

Contoh Gerund :
walking, eating, flying, sitting, lying, swimming

B. Penggunaan Gerund dan Contoh Kalimatnya 

Sebagai subjek suatu kalimat
  • Jogging makes us healthy.
  • Studying English is easier than studying Math.
  • Watching movie is my hobby.
  • Wasting time is not a good habit.
Sebagai pelengkap (gerund as complement)
  • His hobby is singing.
  • My favorite sport is swimming.
  • My hobby is reading.
Setelah preposition
  • After working, I watch anime for a while.
  • He is good at dancing.
  • She is fond of singing.
  • Thank you for answering my letter.
  • He left me without speaking.
Setelah possessive adjective
  • I dont understand your speaking.
  • My writing is bad.
  • His dancing is interesting.
  • Thanks for your coming.
Setelah verb (kata kerja) tertentu
  • We finish studying at 12.00.
  • They enjoyed playing soccer.
  • My father stopped smoking.
  • She kept complaining.
  • They considered selling their house.
Dalam noun compounds (kata majemuk) gerund + noun / noun + gerund
  • cleaning service 
  • waiting list
  • waiting room
  • swimming pool
  • driving licence
  • fruit-picking
  • bird-watching
  • horse riding
  • zoo keeping
  • weight-lifting
Setelah ungkapan tertentu
  • I can't help finding him a letter.
  • She is used to going to school by bus.
  • He is accustomed to living in this city.

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